1. The Warradale Men’s Shed Inc. is an Incorporated Community Not for Profit organisation with an ethos dedicated to provide for it’s members a secure facility to achieve it’s objectives as set out in the Shed’s Constitution ratified on 4 November 2022.
2. The shed provides the facility to serve the local areas of Warragamba and Silverdale and the surrounding towns and villages.
3. The Shed is developing a website named to enable the Community to be informed about and engage in activities of the Shed.
4. The Shed will seek sponsorship either by financial contribution, or in kind for services rendered from persons or organisations in the area being stakeholders, private enterprise, statutory and non statutory bodies and individuals to establish relationships in the Community that will be in keeping with the ethos of the Shed.
1. The Shed will seek and accept sponsorship either by way of a financial payment or by services in kind in an amount to be negotiated with each Sponsor, to establish a relationship with the sponsor for the mutual benefit of the Shed and the Sponsor. This will be used to assist with the day to day and long term operation and development of the Shed.
2. In return the Shed will list appropriate information as provided by the Sponsor on the Shed’s website and provide the sponsor with a document that the Sponsor may display at their place of business.
3. The Shed will seek and accept Sponsorship on a regular annual basis, to be renewed each year.
4. The Shed may also consider seeking Sponsorship in larger amounts on a one off basis, in the event that the needs of the Shed require it.
5. It will be at the discretion of the Management Committee, on behalf of the members, to decline to accept Sponsorship that may be illegal or not in keeping with the ethos of the Shed.
6. The Shed reserves the right to terminate a Sponsorship Agreement in the event that the Sponsor acts in a way that may bring the Shed into disrepute.